Société Immobilière et Financière S.A. ,is a Financial and Real Estate company with 170 shareholders.

SIF possesses important properties in the Capital,  among them El Rancho and Villa Créole Hotel acquired between 2009 and 2013, which make it the company with the largest swath of land in Pétion Ville.

One of SIF Real Estate properties is :

  • The NH Haiti El Rancho hotel ( 4-star hotel of 72 rooms)

Société Immobilière et Financière S.A. formely called « Société Imobilière de Frères » is also credited for the Belvil construction, the largest single home development project in Haiti.

Some of SIF present and future projects include:

  • A convention center
  • Appartment complexes
  • A movie theater
  • Commercial spaces

Until now, SIF has been successful in trying to be the largest Real Estate surface of the metropolitan area.  The company is working on many projects that can help urbanize different parts of the country.

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